Friday, January 30, 2009


Frankly this is very quotidian and common subject to write.. and many people have many things to say on this topic.. but nobody of us can avoid friendship and may have different perspective abt it than other..
For me friendship is one of the essential relationships for us to survive.. which can easily overlap/supersede any other relationship..
I have read something very interesting about this on some site.. It goes like

There are 3 kinds of friendships
1) Friendship due to significant amount of time spent together.. like school friends, college mates, colleagues at work etc.. Here we dont have choice and more than a choice it is a need to pass that time in a better way..
2) second type is due to sharing common interests.. these friends share common interests and so enjoy the time they spend together.. examples of this type is friends we get at some hobby classes like dance/music class, trekking clubs etc.. here we have freedom to choose our friends.. :)
3) now third category is lil specific.. this is eternal kind of friendship.. here people may share different views, may not spend significant time together but something is present between them which keeps them attached and tied together.. they hv unspoken unexplainable respect and love for each other.. such friendship is rare to find.. These friends may not have anything in common not even language at times..
That article went further like, first two kinds of friendships can fade away with time.. n we may not feel anything abt it after some years or so.. but third kind of friendship is kinda forever :)..

The article had caught my mind, coz we actually experience this all the time.. personally i have experienced all three friendships.. and yes it is difficult to find and maintain third kind of friends.. it takes longer also to establish and realize it.. we cannot control it.. In this fast-food life we tend to overlook such things.. but it keeps happening around us..
When i read this article i realized I actually have such friend who is far different from me, who is far from me, we haven't met for almost 3 years and then also we share excellent telepathy.. :) After realizing this, I felt blessed..

I always had wondered about one thing.. there is something which makes us to feel friendly about somebody in a very first meeting.. and thats why we donot like all the people around us.. many people call it "clicking" or "frequency/wavelength match".. we become friends with such people easily..
It reminds me one sanskrit shlok i have studied in school whose meaning was like " you like some people, u dont like some people.. it is due to the invisible bond u share with that person"..
I dont know if there is any proof to support these theories, but yeah truth is that we all experience it..
Recently i have been encountered with couple of new good friends.. lets see if i get richer :)

Disclaimer: As I said this is my novice attempt at writing.. the matter may not b innovative or interesting.. these are random thoughts.. :)


  1. that's an interesting post! After reading this, I tried to recollect my friend's circle, and put them into one of these categories. Most of them have fallen in first two, and they didn't last long or the intensity is not that great!

    I could put one and only person into the third category. He has been friends with me since almost 12 years now. We contact each other very rarely, but yet feel that connectivity.

    thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of writing! Keep posting!


  2. Absolutely true...Friendship is emotional bond beyond the explanation of any scientific or logical theory and transcends all boundaries: place, age, sex, nationality.

  3. True!!
    I experienced the same as Gopal. I feel lucky to have a few friends in the third category :) :)

  4. hey...u write pretty good stuff :). keep on xpressing yourself!
